Tony Jones (backpacker)

Tony Jones
Born Anthony John Jones
3 July 1962(1962-07-03)
Perth, Western Australia
Died On or about 3 November 1982
Last seen in Townsville
Parents Kevin Jones
Beres Jones

Anthony John Jones is an Australian man who disappeared at the age of 20 while backpacking in north Queensland in November 1982. The case garnered substantial mass media attention, with critics charging that police mishandled the investigation into Jones' disappearance.



At the time of his disappearance, the young man from Perth, Western Australia, was in the last stages of a six-month working holiday around Australia. After quick visits to Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, and Sydney, he settled for several months in Brisbane, before finally setting off on the homeward leg of the journey with his brother Tim across the top of Australia.

Tim rode a bicycle; Tony hitchhiked. They communicated by phoning relatives and leaving messages for each other. In the three weeks before the disappearance, they met up briefly at Mackay and Airlie Beach and spent a week together in Townsville, where they shared a caravan with two fellow travellers at the Sun City Caravan Park in Rosslea.

When Tim began the 900 km bike ride out west to Mount Isa, Tony set off alone on 28 October 1982 for side trip to Cairns. When he arrived back in Townsville on 3 November 1982, he telephoned his family and girlfriend in Perth. He was surprised to learn that Tim had already reached Mount Isa. He also learned that his mother had just topped up his bank account with $150, money that was to be shared with Tim. He made no more phone calls and did not touch his bank account again. He never made it to Mount Isa.[1]

Coronial Inquest

Despite no body having been found, Coroner Ian Fisher stated in his findings on 20 February 2002 that Jones was a victim of homicide. “I am satisfied that the missing person is dead,” wrote the coroner. “I find that he died on or around the 3rd of November 1982 at the hands of a person or persons unknown”.[2]

In spite of the homicide finding, Jones' family was initially unable to get a death certificate because of an anomaly in Queensland legislation, which prevented the issuance of a death certificate in cases where the coroner failed to indicate a specific place of death. The Queensland Attorney General and Minister for Justice Linda Lavarch subsequently introduced new legislation in 2005, saying “the Jones family has suffered enough...they should not suffer further by not being able to get a death certificate for their son”. The certificate was eventually issued in January 2006.[3]

Reopening of the Coronial Inquest

A family review of inquest documents in 2007 unearthed a slew of neglected leads. However, owing to the protracted and unsatisfactory response of police and government officials and a refusal by authorities to refer to the case to the Cold Case Unit, the family petitioned the Queensland attorney-general on 14 June 2009 to reopen the inquest. The petition was ignored for 15 months. Then in September 2010 when the Queensland government launched a “walk a day in my shoes” campaign in a bid to curb its falling ratings in the opinion polls, Brian Jones, a brother of the victim, sent the attorney-general a pair of his shoes, daring him to walk in the shoes of a victim of Queensland crime. On 18 September 2010, a day after the shoes arrived at the office of the attorney-general, Cameron Dick announced that he had instructed the State Coroner Michael Barnes to reopen the inquest. The date of the new inquest has not yet been set.[4][5]

Cloncurry search

In January 2011, a retired grazier from Cloncurry informed the Jones family of old evidence that appeared to have been lost or forgotten by police for decades.[6] He said that about 29 years earlier he had given Cloncurry police some potentially case-solving physical evidence which he and a friend (a retired police officer) found on the edge of the Cloncurry township: the evidence included remnants of some camping gear and a letter addressed to Tony Jones from his mother.[7]

The witness said he was frustrated by the lack of response from police when he made inquiries in 2010 about the old evidence; however, the family relayed his story to the coroner, and the coroner instructed police to undertake a thorough search of the campsite.[8] On 11 October 2011, a search party of eight police officers and four SES volunteers spent six hours searching the campsite—identified as a 50 m² area beside the Cloncurry River near the intersection of Quamby Rd and Barkly Highway. The search failed to find any sign of Tony’s belongings or remains. After the search, Northern Region Crime Coordinator, Detective Acting Inspector Mick Walker, told the media that police were still investigating what happened to the evidence handed in to Cloncurry police. [9]

Criticisms of the Queensland Police Investigation

The first attempts of the Jones family to phone in a missing persons report on 11 November 1982 were complicated by red tape.[10] The police investigation only commenced three days later when family members travelled some five thousand kilometres to file the report in person.[11] As stated at the inquest, basic police inquiries were neglected: for example, police failed to get a report from the hospital on treatment Jones had received prior to his disappearance and at least one key witness mentioned by the coroner was never interviewed.[2] The family was also left without police assistance when they conducted a door-knock inquiry in the vicinity of the phone booth in Bowen Road, Rosslea, which was the last confirmed whereabouts.[12] Police did not release an identikit sketch of a suspect until 10 years after they received information about the suspect.[13]

Media reports on the inquest highlighted other problems with the investigation, reporting that some of the witness statements were missing and that the former investigating officer had been uncooperative with coronial inquiries.[14] The media also reported that it was 2001 before statements were obtained from several people who first approached police in 1982.[15]

Other criticisms were voiced by the coroner and the coroner's assistant. Coroner Fisher said "more attention should have been given to early investigation",[2] while his assistant, Sergeant Kym Farquharson-Jones, said the inquest evidence showed police investigations into the disappearance were "not sufficient by today's standard”.[15]

The view of Sergeant Farquharson-Jones is indicative of the systemic problems highlighted in the Fitzgerald Inquiry report. Tony Fitzgerald QC, who presided over the Commission of Inquiry into Possible Illegal Activities and Associated Police Misconduct, said the Queensland police culture of the 1980s was "debilitated by misconduct, inefficiency, incompetence, and deficient leadership".[16] As a result of the Fitzgerald Inquiry, the Commissioner of Police Terry Lewis, the man who presided over the Queensland police in the early years of the Jones investigation, and whose name appeared on the original police reward for information on the suspected murder of Jones, was subsequently convicted and jailed for corruption.[17]

In defence of the police handling of the Jones case, Det. Chris Lill, who worked on the case for about 15 years, said in a report to the Townsville coroner that "rightly or wrongly, missing persons over the age of sixteen years of age did not attract or command the deployment or availability of resources as they would have in this day and age”.[18]

Unresolved Leads

In January 1983 police received a tip-off on the whereabouts of the body of Jones. The letter was postmarked Cairns, a town Jones had visited in the days before his disappearance. The text is as follows: "I believe body of AJ Jones buried in or near Fullarton River bed within 100 yds west southside Flinders Hwy. Lochiel"[19] After a fruitless two-day search, police concluded the letter was a hoax. Inquest documents reveal that in the weeks before the search the dry river bed was flowing with "about 20 foot of water" and that there was "not much hope" of finding any trace of Jones or his belongings.[20] The Jones family has subsequently urged police to use DNA profiling of the Lochiel evidence to determine the identity of Lochiel.[21]

A witness told police he had seen an older man with Jones at the Rising Sun Hotel in Townsville on the night Jones disappeared. Ten years later, in 1992, police published an identikit picture of the suspect.

The first tip-offs from the pulbic suggested the sketch resembled the former police superintendent Mervyn Henry Stevenson,[22] a former stock squad officer whose retirement as officer in charge of the Townsville police about a year before Tony disappeared[23] was tainted by accusations of corruption.[24] Stevenson's name surfaced during the original inquest in 2001 but inquest transcripts indicate the lead was never pursued by police.[25]

A second sketch was produced by the Townsville Bulletin artist Chris Brunton.[26] The Brunton sketch yielded several more leads, some of which had not been investigated by the time of the inquest in 2002. The coroner instructed police to continue their investigation of those leads, particularly in relation to two persons of interest called Pickering and Douglas;[2] however, another seven years elapsed before police acted on the coroner's instructions and, by that time, Pickering and Douglas had both passed away.

A 1999 internal police memo (obtained by the family under Freedom of Information) alludes to another suspect with a prior criminal conviction.[27] The case officer wrote the following to the homicide squad:

"I have also received a letter from a retired grazier who has named a suspect by the name of (blank) and I note that his history indicates he is most probably a (blank) and I consider that he should be interviewed. I have attached a copy of the letter."[28]

However, neither the grazier's letter nor details of any homicide inquiries related to the letter were documented or discussed at the inquest in 2002 or ever made known to the family.[29]

Jones was known to be carrying a dismantled rifle in his backpack at the time of his disappearance but the rifle has never been found. It is a .22 calibre Voere rifle, serial number 257435; and the stock was stained dark red.[30]

Missing Persons Week

The disappearance of Tony Jones was the inspiration and catalyst for the establishment of Australia’s National Missing Persons Week in 1988.[31][32] The inaugural Missing Persons Week was launched with a memorial service at the Holy Spirit Church in Townsville, after which the mayor of Townsville planted a tree in commemoration of Tony. Missing Persons Week is now held every year in Australia in the first week of August to highlight the plight of missing persons and their families.[33]


In May 1983 the government issued a reward of $20,000 for information which leads to the apprehension and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the disappearance and suspected murder of Jones. The reward now stands at $250,000.

Cold case playing cards

In February 2008, more than 500 decks of cold case playing cards were distributed to inmates at several Queensland prisons in the hope that significant crimes could be solved if prisoners revealed information after being prompted by the cards. Details of Tony Jones can be found on the two of spades.[34]


  1. ^ Jones, BA (1988). Searching for Tony: Profile of a Missing Person. Spectrum Publications, Melbourne. ISBN 0867862246.
  2. ^ a b c d Fisher, Ian (2002). "Findings in the matter of an inquest into the cause and circumstances surrounding the death of Anthony John Jones", Townsville Coroner's Court, Ref. no. 20022002 T20/JOW M/T TSV6356.
  3. ^ “Government to amend death law”, Townsville Bulletin, 14 September 2005, p.7.
  4. ^ Paull, Nathan, "Missing man case inquiry", Townsville Bulletin, 18 September 2010, p.11.
  5. ^ "Old shoes key to reopening inquest into suspected murder victim Anthony John Jones", Courier-Mail, 18 September 2010.
  6. ^ "New lead in 30-year cold case", Herald Sun, 4 October 2011.
  7. ^ Johnston, Jessica, "Cold-case clue hunt", Townsville Bulletin, 11 October 2010, p.2.
  8. ^ "New lead in 30-year cold case", Herald Sun, 4 October 2011.
  9. ^ Johnston, Jessica, "Searchers find no new clues in Tony Jones case", Townsville Bulletin, 12 October 2010.
  10. ^ Swanton, B (1988). Missing Persons. Australian Institute of Criminology (Canberra). ISBN 0642135878.
  11. ^ Jones, BA (1988). Searching for Tony: Profile of a Missing Person, pp.12-23. Spectrum Publications, Melbourne. ISBN 0867862246.
  12. ^ Jones, BA (1988). Searching for Tony: Profile of a Missing Person, pp.43-45. Spectrum Publications, Melbourne. ISBN 0867862246.
  13. ^ "Identikit issued after 10 years", Courier Mail, 2 November 1992, p.5.
  14. ^ Boston, Charles. "Coroner reopens Jones file", Townsville Bulletin, 22 August 1998.
  15. ^ a b Stockdale, Kylie. "Effort to find man'lacking'", Townsville Bulletin, 20 February 2002, p.3.
  16. ^ Commission of Inquiry into Possible Illegal Activities and Associated Police Misconduct, "Fitzgerald Inquiry Report", Government Printer, Brisbane, 1989.
  17. ^ "Ex-police chief jailed for graft", New Straits Times, 6 August 1991, p.13.
  18. ^ Lill, Chris (1997). "Missing persons - Anthony John Jones on or about 3 November 1982 at Townsville". Exhibit 2--Inquest into the cause and circumstances surrounding the death of Anthony John Jones. p.19. Townsville Coroner's Court, 2002.
  19. ^ Jones, BA (1988). Searching for Tony: Profile of a Missing Person, pp.59-64. Spectrum Publications, Melbourne. ISBN 0867862246.
  20. ^ "Running Sheet". Exhibit 3--Inquest into the cause and circumstances surrounding the death of Anthony John Jones", Item 70, p.19. Townsville Coroner's Court, Ref. no. 20022002 T20/JOW M/T TSV6356.
  21. ^ Guppy, Damon. "Help find our brother”, The Cairns Post. 19 November 2007, p.1.
  22. ^ Hall, Marshall. "Former policeman matches description”, Townsville Bulletin. 4 November 1992.
  23. ^ "Fitting farewell for bush policeman", Townsville Bulletin, 22 December 2001
  24. ^ Hansen, P, "Ex-policeman lashes out: confessions ‘red hot’", Sunday Mail, 23 September 1984
  25. ^ Transcripts of inquest into the cause and circumstances surrounding the death of Anthony John Jones", Townsville Coroner's Court, Ref. no. 20022002 T20/JOW M/T TSV6356.
  26. ^ "Updated sketch released of man sought over disappearance”. Townsville Bulletin, 11 November 1992.
  27. ^ Paull, Nathan, "Family wants justice for Tony", Townsville Bulletin, 12 March 2010, p.15.
  28. ^ Petrinec, Melanie. "Mystery letter is a clue to death". The Cairns Post. 9 November 2010.
  29. ^ Petrinec, Melanie. "Mystery letter is a clue to death". The Cairns Post. 9 November 2010.
  30. ^ Jones, BA (1988). Searching for Tony: Profile of a Missing Person, p.58. Spectrum Publications, Melbourne. ISBN 0867862246.
  31. ^ Gibbs W. "Week to call home”, Sunday Mail (Qld), 24 July 1988, p. 5.
  32. ^ Murdoch, Alex. "Tragedy a spark of support". Townsville Bulletin, 9 August 1999.
  33. ^ Retrieved on 20 June 2009.
  34. ^ Kellett, Christine, "Prison cards an ace up police sleeve", Brisbane Times, 16 February 2008.

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